Our Mission

The primary mission of this department is to provide safe, efficient, and timely emergent and non-emergent services including but not limited to: fire suppression, rescue, emergency medical services, and public fire safety education to the public, wherever we are requested to respond. We shall continuously recruit, educate, organize, and manage training levels in areas of fire suppression, rescue, emergency medical services, as participation in all community activities.
Our Hertiage

Before the end of World War II, our waterfront communities were made up of mostly summer cottages with few full time residents. From this small group came the "community volunteer" that had the most to gain from adequate fire protection and rescue service. They also had the most to lose without it. As the war drew to a close and the Civilian Defense group was about to disband, several interested citizens decided that our community should not be without fire protection. This auxiliary fire group became the Community Volunteer Fire Department of Bowley's Quarters and Vicinity in September of 1945...