EMS donations go direct into budget categories that continue to provide life saving medical equipment on our units and training opportunities.
According to the American Heart Association, Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation, with an automated external defibrillator (AED), can more than double a victim’s chance of survival. In fact, early defibrillation, along with CPR, is the only way to restore the victim’s heart rhythm to normal in a lot of cases of cardiac arrest.
The BQVFD has Seven (7) AED's and a Lifepak 15 Heart monitoring devices that require annual calibration and service. Your donations keep these devices in service.
When you donate using the button below, you will receive an invitation to attend a Hands-Only CPR seminar provided by the BQVFD.
We are grateful for our supporters during these times and simply can not do this without you.